Khenay Solarun

“Back then. My name was Six, and I was a conscripted soldier”

  E'zurah Tia/Khenay Solarun   Adventurer, Free Spirit, Apprentice, Inventor. EST/BR.

Someone who had everything, then lost everything, spending years collecting himself. From a rich kid from Rabanastre, to a soldier, to a thief and pit fighter dog, to a student, and now a new beginning. Are you a new face? A familiar one? Or an enemy?

“It doesn't matter how many times you fall, what matters is how many times you get up.”



“Magic is Wild, and so is our world, let's meet and create a memorable event!”


Family Member: The family - the clan, was divided into two groups, powerful people, that would always try to expand their dominion on the weak.The Solari who were clever and important merchants and nobles notable in large cities where monetary power reigned.The Lunari who handled more illicit trades such as drugs, weapons and, perhaps the most lucrative at the time, slaves.Those who worked for the clan had a unique necklace: Solari - a beautiful golden necklace of a radiant sun. Lunari - a shimmering silver half moon. If you are a family member, you would remember that one of the twins had a bad leg and hair as golden as gold itself.


Soldier: Khenay was an Imperial soldier for four years, earning him a good physique, an Empire tattoo on his hand, and scars on his neck for not being the most obedient of soldiers.Were you another Imperial soldier fighting against the savages of Eorzea? Or a member of the resistance fighting for justice and freedom? Or... someone else?


Powerful Numbers Ballas mal Vanquares was a strong and resourceful man who studied Aether. In this, he learned to apply his theories to his students - the slaves. Ezurah/Khenay was the Number Six and has a power to copy/duplicate things if he can focus enough on in his mind. Were you one of the other Numbers? Or a mercenary/soldier working for Ballas?


Criminal: Being able to get into almost any door by creating a key, he got a small reputation by stealing things that caught his eye, trying to get the pleasure and happiness of being rich again.Were you a criminal in search of a nimble feline to open some door or take something without being seen? Or a guard who had the misfortune to meet Khenay on his way and failed to capture him?


Adventurer/Redemption: Khenay had a very complicated life, never knowing what was right or wrong, so he does what he thinks is right and sometimes going days without sleep or food in order to help those he considers a friend, because doing this he thinks is a form of redemption for past crimes.Will you help him out in his adventures?


New Stuff: Khenay is always trying to learn new things, could you be a new mentor? He will commit to always making you proud!If you need someone or something, even a villain and has no background for said character, I can always be happy to provide, new character? Traumatized? Toss them as a slave of the family.New character that has a strong power and don't know how to control themselves? Toss them being a number for Ballas.I'm also, always down for some romance, be either mono or poly.


Hello there, nice to meet you! I go by either Ez or Cooper.A bit of me:  Age    21+
  Pronouns     He/Him.
  Timezone     EST/BRT
  Schedule     Pretty messy at the moment, so better to talk to me by discord! ez8591

- I love making friends with my RP partners.
- Romance and adult themes are fine as long as they make sense in the context of the plot.
- Usually my style is one paragraph/mirror.
- My English is not 10/10, but I will try my pest :3.
- If none of the hooks work, I'm pretty sure that we can think about something that can, specially since the character is pretty flexible.
- My idea for this character is so that other people can use his background for their own tales as well, for example if you are going to fight against a group of bandits, they could be a member of the family and so on. A character to help other people in their own backstories.
- The player has Mare and NSFW/Mature themes are fine.




“I'm just a guy who was not born with a good hand of luck, but rather one that liked to test my limits that were imposed on me, by others and I.”

LAYER : one.

  name.    E'zurah Tia/Khenay Solarun.
  age.    18/19.
  birthday / nameday     First day of the year.
  astrological sign / guarding deity.     Azeyma.
  gender.     Male
  pronouns.     He/Him
  sexuality.     Bi - Male Leaning
  height.     1.74
  weight.     72 kg
  hair color.     Black/Red/Blond
  eye color.     Light Blue
  skin tone.     Tanned
  notable features.     Has different normal face markings than a normal male, has stripes on the body, and is always using a scarf and gloves to hide the scars of the past. Has a very long and fluffy tail.
  job occupation.    Not exactly a job, but knows how to create machines, knows how to use a rapier and a gun.
  place of origin | home | affiliation.    He does not know, the only thing that he remembers that, it was in a hot place, so it can be any desert. (Rabanastre)

layer : two.

  family.     Has pretty much a lot, but only the place of blood brother that its occupied.
  marital status.     Single/LF Partner
  d&d alignment.     Lawful Good
  likes.     Tales and History, Cold Milk, Cool People to hang out.
  dislikes.     People who are evil for the sake of it, vegetables.
  flaws.     Reckless.
extroverted / introverted / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
assertive / timid / in between
honest / dishonest / situational
forthright / manipulative / situational
loyal / disloyal / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between

LAYER : three.

  personality.     Ezurah/Khenay is a pretty easy-going character; it depends on how you first interact with them. It boils down to the situation that they are in, if it's a safe place, chill, if its one where danger lurks around, probably more rude or focused.

LAYER : four.

LAYER : one.

—    ASPECT OF AETHER.     Fire
—    PHYSICAL STRENGTH.     7/10
—    MAGICAL PROWESS.     9/10
—    INTELLIGENCE.     3/5
—    DEXTERITY.     6/10
—    TENACITY.     4/10
—    STEALTH.     6/10
—    SPECIAL ABILITIES.     Ez has the Echo, but not like the Warrior of Light or the ones that were forced upon other people like Fordolla. Thanks to Ballas mal Vanquares, he is able to use the Echo to mimic and copy things that he had seen. Sadly, it has become hard with so much stuff over his head.

layer : two.

Lenz. A bow, but not a normal one that shoots wood arrows, this one is quite explosive, a bow with only four arrows that are capable of exploding once they reach contact.Aracna. A spider machine that has been helping for quite a while, be in climbing, spying on others or anything that needs to be done.Akirah. A special mechanical green bird that is able to spread toxins or any required smell over a place.Joy. Special blue bird, only those that have participated in the Crystal Memory event may know its secrets.

LAYER : five.

Khenay grew up in a cradle of gold, the son of wealthy merchants who frequented Ul'dah, Kugane and Rabanastre, he never had to work for his fortune and always lived a life of luxury, his family known as Eclipse ran much of the trade in places where the Empire once controlled.Khenay had a twin brother named Ezurah, the only difference between them was their eyes, for Khenay had the blue eyes of a Seeker and Ezurah the orange eyes of a Keeper. The clan was made up of several races and people who desired power and benefits.
This lasted until twelve years, when the empire lost control of Gyr Abania, destabilizing the clan's control and causing an internal struggle that subsequently led to its destruction later when the very clan that served the Empire was annihilated by one man - Ballas mal Vanquares.
The great leaders of the clan died, leaving only Khenay alive, for he was the only one who did not fight back. His life of luxury was over, and now he was nothing more than a slave - a number, to Ballas.
Four years of servitude and hard work serving Ballas as his mentor earned him remarkable powers, such as Engineering and Mimicry of the material world. This helped him to escape from his master and have what he always desired, freedom, but the life of crime as a thief and ring fighter brought him more attention for easy money having the knowledge base he learned during the Empire.
Khenay has finally decided at the age of eighteen to redeem himself for what he did in the past, and now works as an adventurer to help and protect those he once hated so much.Khenay is now an adventurer, always thinking of helping others with a good heart, and hopes never to return to his past.

LAYER : six. Additional Info

—   one.

While this may look like, Ezurah/Khenay are not a villain, I just gave them a more grey/dark background from where they could raise up and become better characters.

—   three.

Fluffy tail, Ezurah/Khenay have one, and it's very fluffy indeed, so if we role-play or a good track of where he is, would be to follow the trail of fur.

—   five.


—   two.

Ezurah/Khenay is cursed, he was cursed by his adopted mother Kivette to never Lie, so if he does, dark, heavy and ugly horns grow on his head, and only an act of kindness may have them return to the original form.

—   four.

Ezurah/Khenay are very good at creating weapons, if you need one or has a desire for some upgrade, can always ask them, and the weapon can be done - for a price.

—   six.



Current Plot.


This page here is mostly for new hooks or if you need help creating a new character :3

—   one.


  VERSE NAME — Number.    Well as I have said it earlier, one plot hook that you could do, that would be either hero or villain, it's being a number of Ballas mal Vanquares, you would be a young character with a strong power that was created by the Empire to fulfil the orders of the master.

—   three.


  VERSE NAME — Wanted.    This is for characters who are a mercenary or characters who are from Gyr Abania and suffered during the time of the Garlemald Occupation. Being a soldier and also one of the Miqo'te clans that helped the empire, got quite the bad reputation, are you searching for justice?

—   five.

series name.


—   two.


  VERSE NAME — Weapons.    Do you need a deadly weapon? Or just something cool? Well, Khenay can do it if you give it the materials or pay him, be a Crag Toaster or even a deadly explosive scythe or bullets or anything that might hurt...

—   four.


  VERSE NAME — Companion.    Are you an adventurer, or just someone who is down bad in their luck? If friends, Khenay will always be there to help you out!

—   six.

series name.





“While I don't deserve a family for what I did, it seems that everyone likes me and starts to create bonds, I guess that this happened more times than I can count.”

  chara name.     Mizzie Patania
  main or exclusive.     Twin Adder Captain
  relationship.     Adopted Brother
  summary.     “Someone who truly deserves everything in their life, always there when they need him, and once he got in trouble, at least twenty people were there to kick the bad guy's butt!”

   chara name.     Serali Kha'ith
  main or exclusive.     Student at Seed
  relationship.     Adopted Sister
  summary.     “Kind soul, someone who is equally good as Mizzie, has a strong smell of strawberry, is very passionate.”

  chara name.     Y'ohiro The Forgotten
  main or exclusive.     Mercenary
  relationship.     Adopted Brother
  summary.     “A friend that has no problem to get dirty to get the job done, a knight with a doubtless honor and desire to save those that he hold dear.”

  chara name.    Kohli
  main or exclusive.     Leader of the Forgotten Corps
  relationship.     Old Friend
  summary.     “Someone who is very, very good at dealing with Void Magics, has a strong sense of justice.”

  chara name.     Volkier
  main or exclusive.     Astrologian
  relationship.     Adopted Older Brother
  summary.     “While I do love him, he would let fate dictated at what side his tail would move, even when he died...”

  chara name.     Ruik Sky
  main or exclusive.     Mercenary
  relationship.     Old Friend
  summary.     “Someone who can take at least a beat and still stand up in his two feet, used to be the Red. If you don't die by his uncle jokes, you're making a good friend!”

  chara name.     Myridian Firesand
  main or exclusive.     Machinist
  relationship.     Adopted Sister
  summary.   “Someone who had suffered a lot in life and still, has a burning desire on her to do good and explode things.”

  chara name.  
  main or exclusive.  

  blog url / chara name.  
  main or exclusive.  
